Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Great Deprresion if the Inter war Period essays
The Great Deprresion if the Inter war Period essays The Great Depression of the Inter-war years (1929-1933) was the most profound shock ever to strike the world economy. Economists all around the world were looking for answers why and for how long the Depression will go on, they began to ask themselves questions about the capitalism was it the right choice of the economic and political system, which enhance the wealth of the nation, and promote technological progress or Karl Marx was right about the self- destruction element of the capitalism. It is easier for us make conclusions on what happened and why because we can look at event from retrospective analysis of that period of time. To outline the origins of the Great Slump we have to examine the situation in the world economical and political, which was established after the World War I. There was a post war boom ,in the countries whose economies were not disrupted by revolutions and civil war ,and future somehow even looked promising but huge overspending during the war brought inflation and unemployment all over Europe .Anglo-Saxon world tried to keep situation under control by sound finance and the gold standard ,and as Hobsbawm mentions in his book ,they partly succeeded in doing this between 1922 and1926.From Germany , Austria to Soviet Russia, thing were much worse , they went through hyper inflation ,their money value was reduced to basically zero, People lost there savings and this created complete vacuum for of working capital for business. But worse is only to happen. During the Inter-war years the globalization of the economy had stopped advancing; the integration of the world economy stagnated and regressed. We can see that if we compare the figures through mass migration, world trade and international capital flows. In the last fifteen years before 1914 almost 15 millions had landed in the USA. In he next fifteen years the flow shrunk to 5.5 millions; in the 1930s and the war years it came to ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Capital Offence - Emphasis
Capital Offence Capital Offence In our latest tips e-bulletin, we covered the ever-sticky topic of e-rage: that near-universal condition whereby one is brought to a state of apoplexy by the particulars of an arrangement of pixels in ones inbox. The question of email etiquette can be a tricky one, with an almost endless list of personal bugbears. The message may be too long, too short, poorly spelled, too chatty, overly formal; it could be heavy with jargon or decorated with emoticons; it could have been forwarded ad nauseum, or else carry no clue to the messages history whatsoever. However, the one thing that carries the greatest consensus as an e-no-no is: USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. Apparently this practice can lose you more than just friends at the water cooler it can lose you your job. An accountant in Auckland was fired for sending an email to her associates advising them on how to fill in claim forms. She stands accused by her former employers of spreading disharmony among the staff. Not, presumably, for providing guidance on the most efficient way for them to supplement their salaries, but for doing so in bold, in red and of course in CAPITAL LETTERS. No doubt this woman was merely trying to emphasise what she saw as crucial information. She has since been rewarded compensation for unfair dismissal, and one might be forgiven for calling her former colleagues ungrateful. But it leaves one message abundantly clear: we HATE capitals. Why? Opinions vary. The biggest one is the sense of being SHOUTED AT. Wading through our daily barrage of emails can be trying enough, without such an ocular pummelling. Using all capital letters is heavy on the eye, as the lack of differentiation in height and shape (as seen in lowercase) makes blocks of such text harder to read. It can also smack of laziness, even ignorance, on the part of the writer in a similar way to using all lowercase (know what i mean?). Perhaps the perpetrators colleagues took offence at her refusal to work with the shift key.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Anatomy & Physiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Anatomy & Physiology - Essay Example t concluded studies so far conducted contend the world has approximately 6.3 million people who are experiencing Parkinsonââ¬â¢s disease (PD) (Medtronic, 2010). Out of this global population, 1.2 million emanate from Europe whereby according to varied medical practitioners and researchers the number keeps on increasing by the day. (Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine and Okun (2009) in their study claim approximately 750,000 up to 1Million are USA citizens whereas between 120,000 and 130,000 emanate from UK. However, PDââ¬â¢s prevalence and incidence studies for long have been affected by survival rates whereby the former is higher compared to the latter (Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine & Okun, 2009). Consequently, this implies those at risk of contracting PD their respective age is over 50 years as depicted in Figure 1. According to Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine and Okun (2009) study, the earliest symptoms of PD among numerous patients usually start showing up at 60 years. Hence, impl ying the disease is quite common among the elderly especially those whom their ages fall between 75 and 85 years living in Europe and USAââ¬â¢s regions (Peretz et al. 2014, p. 70). People comprising this demography their number in these regions is currently showing a rapid increase besides having complications that contribute to PD problem (Peretz et al. 2014, p. 70). This is because of dysfunction of nigra neurons, which are susceptible to loss with age (Reeve, Eve & Doug Turnbull, 2014, p. 19). Figure 1: Grosset, Fernandez, Katherine & Okun. (2009). Prevalence of Idiopathic PD by age. [E-Book] Available at: [Accessed 1st June 2014] Besides age, studies have also confirmed environmental and ethnicity comprises key predisposing factors towards contracting PD predicament. Globally, PD
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
History of Islamic Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
History of Islamic Art - Essay Example In this area they formed the Caliphate of CÃ ³rdoba, which remained until 1031 before falling due to the Fitna of al-Ã ndalus. The Islamic art entails the visual arts that were produced by the people from 7th century and onwards. Thus, this art is tough to define since it covers various lands and diverse people for the time period of more than 1400 years. The vast capacity of Islamic architecture pertains to a distinctive article, belonging to various fields such as painting, textiles, calligraphy, ceramics, and glass among others. Some of the fields of art in the Umayyad dynasty are described below: Architecture: The building of the Umayyad dynasty is constructed with the local materials, generally of ashlars stone, which is usually combined with brick. The mosques and monuments with their austere exteriors provide the buildings a lavish interior decoration which is made of geometrically-patterned marble mosaics and revetment depict vegetal forms architecture, and objects with royal connotations such as vases and crowns. Carvings: The primary decoration components of the Umayyads art had derived from the late-classical customs of wall- and floor-mosaic, stone-carving and wall-painting. It also uses the plaster decoration, which was adopted from the Hellenised East. These designs are found across the complete range of mediums just like the geometrical deigns and vary from book illustration to plasterwork; in woodwork, ceramics, ivory-carving and metalwork, even in textiles and carpets. Metalwork: The art patronage has been a symbol of authority and kingship and has emerged as a theme from the creative appropriations from past and abroad (Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History). Numerous luxurious objects including the boxes of bronze animal statuary, gilt silver and carved ivory, and luxuriously figured silks had been commissioned for
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Moral panics Essay Example for Free
Moral panics Essay The term moral panic suggests a dramatic and rapid overreaction to forms of deviance or wrongdoing believed to be a direct threat to society. The most common definition of a moral panic is the opening paragraph of Folk Devils and Moral Panics by Stanley Cohen: Societies appear to be subject, every now and then, to periods of moral panic. (1) A condition, episode, person or group of persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests; (2) its nature is presented in a stylized and stereotypical fashion by the mass media; (3) the moral barricades are manned by editors, bishops, politicians and other right-thinking people; (4) socially accredited experts pronounce their diagnoses and solutions; (5) ways of coping are evolved or (more often) resorted to; (6) the condition then disappears, submerges or deteriorates and becomes more visible. Sometimes the object of panic is quite novel and at other times it is something which has been in existence long enough, but suddenly appears in the limelight. Sometimes the panic passes over and is forgotten, except in folk lore and collective memory; at other times it has more serious and long-lasting repercussions and might produce such changes as those in legal and social policy or even in the way the society conceives itself. Although in Cohens original work the numbers did not appear, but they can be said to represent the six stages in the development of a moral panic. One such moral panic was the video nasties case after the James Bulger murder in 1993. Robert Thompson and Jon Venebles, who were both ten years old at the time, abducted James from the Strand shopping centre in Bootle, Liverpool. They walked him two miles to a railway line where they inflicted massive injuries on him, which resulted in his death. This deviant act dominated the newspaper headlines and created a panic. This murder was portrayed as a horrific act in the press and symbolized the degeneration of modern British society. The Bulger case was used, by the media, to symbolise all what was wrong with Britain. They focused on the difference between innocence and evil and why we as a society let this happen, it suggested the increase of public indifference, lowering family values and increasing isolation, generating massive public guilt and predicting a breakdown in society itself. Fuelled by the press reports, reasons were sought why the murder of James Bulger may have happened. This prompted demands for tighter controls, curfews for young people and stricter laws. One of these laws was for stricter controls on violent films, or video nasties, as the press called them. This was because the trial judge, who sentenced Venebles and Thompson to be detained at Her Majestys Pleasure, unusually made a statement in open court claiming that he believed violent videos may in part be an explanation to why the boys committed murder. He in particular singled out the film Childs Play 3, which he stated had some striking similarities to the manner of the attack on James Bulger. The police officer in charge of the case told The Guardian newspaper that he had no evidence to suggest that the boys had access to any videos worse than might be found in many households. This comment didnt matter, the scapegoat had been found and this was the starting point for the second moral panic about video nasties. The first such panic occurred between 1982-1984 during the influx of video cassette recorders (VCR), one-third of households owned or rented a VCR. Coincidentally, Hollywood produced a crop of gruesome horror films which prompted many complaints, due to the extreme violence of such films, including sadism, mutilation and cannibalism. Laws were set up to prevent children from renting or buying 18 certificate films, and The Daily Mails Ban The Sadist Videos campaign was set up. During the course of this first video nasty moral panic, the term video nasty was unmistakably synonymous simply with horror films and by 1984 the Video Recordings Act had been set up and became law. During the Bulger trial the press used emotive language to create a moral panic about the influences of video nasties. The press wanted to blame the moral decline on liberal permissiveness, the collapse of family life and the failings of schools, but the real culprit in the Bulger case was the arguments about the effects of the media. Every newspaper focused in detail on the alleged influence of video nasties. The Sun declared that An x-rated video may have sown the seeds of murder in the mind of one of James Bulgers killers and the Daily Mirror ran the headline Judge Blames Violent Videos. Childs Play 3, a film about a doll which comes to life and commits a series of murders, had been rented by one of the parents of one of the boys shortly before the murder. However, the police did not introduce the film as evidence in court as there was no evidence that either Venebles or Thompson had actually watched it. Whether or not the film had played a part in inciting the boys to commit murder, the video became the scapegoat. The press simplified the moral issues by concentrating on the video to the exclusion of virtually all other possible influences on the killers. The day after the judges summing up the Daily Mirror printed sensational coverage of the evil and sick video in the first few pages of the paper. Later Mirror coverage included an interview with the films director, David Kirschner, quoting him as saying that Childs Play 3 was never intended for kids and that he wouldnt let his own children watch it. The Suns coverage was more graphic than that of the Mirror. The front page of an issue led with the headline For the sake of ALL our kids BURN YOUR VIDEO NASTY, launching a campaign to destroy all copies of Childs Play3 by asking readers and video shop outlets to burn them. In the same issue a graph was also printed showing the heart rate of a Sun journalist who watched Childs Play 3 whilst wired to a heart monitor, her heart rate increased during the most violent parts of the film. The Sun used this experiment to prove that the video was indeed an incitement to murder, trying to prove that the furore over the so-called video nasties was a valid one. The case of the Bulger murder was seen to encompass every negative aspect of society which is evident in todays world. The Times described this as a reminder of humanitys most ancient and bestial instincts. Comments like this gave the press the opportunity to preach to society about modern social values and the need to return to a vigilant network of neighbours looking out for one another. The Times also used the word alarm to sensationalise the more accurate term concern, this use of language brings a new urgency to the debate about the video nasty moral panic. The press, using sensational media scaremongering, as they do to sell more papers, focused entirely on how violent films and in particular Childs Play 3 incited the two boys to commit murder. Describing the film using words such as sick and evil, and even drawing parallels between the killings in the film and how James Bulger was murdered, of which none were proved in court. Moral panics tap into the publics fears for their safety and the safety of their society around them. In many instances the press coverage of such events doesnt help in alleviating the publics fears, more often than not the press heighten these fears. They do this through sensationalism reporting. As tragic as it was that a young toddler was killed it allowed the people who hold power in this country to enforce their ideas and rules more CCTV cameras were installed in the country because of how essential they were in identifying James murderers. Many panics result in official change and have long-lasting repercussions, as was the case of the video nasties moral panic. The Video Recording Act 1984 was set up introducing the regulations of videos through the British Board of Film Classification. The debates upon the lack of parental control in monitoring childrens viewing and the dangers of young children watching films intended for a mature audience led to further regulations in 1994. Bibliography Bell A, Joyce M, Rivers D, Advanced Level Media. Hodder Stoughton, UK, 1999 Bowker, Julian, Looking at Media Studies, Hodder and Stoughton, UK, 2003 Cohen, Stanley, Folk Devils and Moral Panics, Macgibbon and Kee, London, 1972 Critcher, Chas, Moral Panics and the Media, Open University Press, UK, 2003 Price, Stuart, Media Studies (2nd Edition), Longman, UK, 1999
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Shakespeare :: essays research papers
William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. John was a well-known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry. Shakespeare was educated at the local grammar school. According to history, Shakespeare was the eldest son, and he should have been the apprentice to his father's shop so that he could be taught everything his father knew and soon take over the business. But instead he was the apprentice to a butcher because of the trouble in his father's financial situation. Another story says that Shakespeare became a schoolmaster. Shakespeare was allowed a lot of free time when he was young. This was suggested by historians that his plays show more ideas of hunting and hawking than do those of other play writers. In 1582 he married Anne Hathaway, the daughter of a farmer. He was thought to have left Stratford after he was caught poaching in the deer park of Sir Thomas Lucy. He was a local justice of the peace. Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had a daughter in 1583 and twins- a boy and a girl- in 1585. The boy however, eventually did not live. Shakespeare apparently arrived in London around 1588 and by 1592 had gained success as an actor and a playwright. Shortly after that, he secured the business of Henry Wriothesley, 3rd earl of Southampton. The publication of Shakespeare's two poems Venus and Adonis (1593) and The Rape of Lucrece (1594) and some of his Sonnets (published 1609), established a reputation for him as a talented and popular Renaissance poet. The Sonnets describe the devotion of a character to a young man whose beauty and charm he praises and to a mysterious and untrue woman with whom the poet is afraid. The following triangular situation, resulting from the attraction of the poet's friend to the woman, is treated with passionate intensity and psychological insight. However, Shakespeare's modern reputation is based mainly on the 38 plays that he wrote, modified, and collaborated on. When in his days, these plays frequently had little respect by his educated friends, who considered English plays of their own to be only tasteless entertainment. Shakespeare's professional life in London was marked by a number of financially beneficial arrangements that allowed him to share in the profits of his acting company, the Chamberlain's Men, later called the King's Men.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Philosophy of a Child Care Center Essay
Mission Our mission at ââ¬Å" name of centerâ⬠is to create a safe learning environment that implements the individual childââ¬â¢s developmental needs and interests with the help and collaboration of parents and community. Philosophy Statement Each activity at ââ¬Å"name of centerâ⬠is carefully coordinated to coincide with universal stages in all areas of childrenââ¬â¢s development: physical, cognitive, social/emotional, and creative. When children master a new level of ability, there are always experiences they can choose in order to gain new mastery. There are many opportunities provided for the children to practice physical skills, learn problem solving, gain knowledge of their environment, and practice interacting more effectively with others. We also believe that parents are a vital part of childrenââ¬â¢s learning experiences and are partners in the education and care of the children. This Philosophy, vision and mission are correlated with the Vygotsky belief that cognitive abilities develop from the interaction with more mature members of society. The social environment provides the intellectual support system that guides children in their development. Adults should structure learning experiences so that children gradually move from assisted performance to individual learning. This process is successful only when adults are sensitive to each childââ¬â¢s level of competence (Click & Karkos, 2008). It is also connected with the approach associated with Piaget, which authors, Click and Karkos say, believes that children should construct their own knowledge through repeated interactions with people and objects. They experiment, consider their errors or misconceptions, and arrive at new conclusions (2008). References Click, Phyllis. , Karkos, Kimberly. (2008) Administration of Programs for Young Children. Seventh Ed. Clinton Park, NY: Delmar Learning
Saturday, November 9, 2019
CDA competency goal Essay
In order to provide a safe environment to prevent injuries Iââ¬â¢d do the following: â⬠¢I would check every toy and equipment the children will be occupying for broken or missing parts often, to ensure that they remain safe for use and play. â⬠¢I would make sure that all chemicals and cleaning supplies are put away out of the reach of children or stored away in locked cabinets to prevent injury or poisoning, I would also baby proof every corner of each table and make sure to place an outlet plug on each power outlet, to make sure that no child ever bumps their fragile heads and gets shocked at any point in time â⬠¢I would liked to be trained in emergency evacuation procedures and plans so I know what to do if there ever is a tornado, hurricane or in the events of a fire so that I am able to remove all children from the classroom and/or building to safety. â⬠¢I am training to be certified in First Aid and CPR,which makes me knowledgeable of caring for accidents and injuries. Functional Area #2 ââ¬â Healthy: In order to provide an environment that promotes health and prevents illness, and teaches children about good nutrition and practices that promote wellness, I would ensure to do the following: â⬠¢Iââ¬â¢d sanitize all toys daily and immediately after being put into a childââ¬â¢s mouth, to prevent the spread of germs. â⬠¢I will wash my hands and wear gloves before and while handling food, I would clean my hands after handling food, helping with toileting, cleaning noses to prevent germs from being spread â⬠¢I will follow the centerââ¬â¢s policies for sick children to prevent other illnesses throughout the classroom. Functional Area #3 ââ¬â Learning Environment: In order to use relationships, the physical space, materials, daily schedule, and routines provided to create a secure, interesting, and an amusing environment that promotes engagement, entertaining exploration, and learning of all children including children with disabilities and special needs, I would take these necessary precautions: Well arranged space , which meets the developmental needs of children during routines and play, is provided. A variety of developmentally and age appropriate materials are available. Materials that will be used for play are well-organized.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil
All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil "All conflict in literature is, in its simplest form, a struggle between good and evil". This statement simplifies the idea that all themes and struggles in literature when broken down to their most basic forms are a conflict of good versus evil. This is a valid statement because good and evil are the basis of all conflict. A conflict is a two-sided and any struggle implies a difference of opinion or emotion which can be broken down into both "good" and "evil" parts. such works that emphasize this statement are George Orwell's novel, "Animal Farm" and the play, "Othello", a tragedy written by William Shakespeare.William Shakespeare's use of characterization in "Othello" describes the character Othello as a brave, courageous, and honorable soldier. Shakespeare also introduces the complete contrast of Othello in the character Iago. Iago is portrayed as two-faced and manipulation, representing the evil aspect in the play.Animal Farm - Rebelià ³n en la Granja
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation Ever!
How to Get the Best Letters of Recommendation Ever! Letters of Recommendation (LORs) are ranked as the 5th most important part of your college application. Most LORs make no difference because they sound like everyone elses. They dont hurt, but they dont help. To make sure you get LORs that actually help you get into a top college, follow these guidelines: Meet with your recommender either in person or by phone. Remind the person of who you are and where you are heading. Talk about stories/examples the recommender can put in the letter. Give the recommender a package of information that includes: examples of your academic work; your high school transcript; your resume; your personal essay (or a summary if you havent written it yet); specific examples of your accomplishments that the recommender can write about The following is an outline of a great letter of recommendation: Introductory paragraph Who the recommender is and how that person knows the applicant. Statement that the applicant is in the top 5 or 10 numerically or the top 5% or 10% of comparable students, in a particular class, work load handled, etc. Something quantifying the students position in comparison to other students. A summary sentence of how it is this applicant stands out to you. 2-6 paragraphs telling stories about the applicant. Provide detailed examples of how this person stands out among the rest. If not already covered, make sure to insert examples of attributes that admissions committees care about. For example: Intellectual ability Intellectual curiosity Writing research skills Analytical skills Positive character traits/Integrity Special skills Leadership Extracurricular involvement Conclusion: Mention anything the recommender knows about the students goals and his/her capacity to reach them. Make sure to request your LORs asap if you havent already! The last thing you want is to have an incomplete application at deadline because youre still waiting on a recommendation. Feel free to show this article to your recommenders for extra insurance that you get the BEST letters of recommendation ever!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Capital Projects Recommendation 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Capital Projects Recommendation 2 - Assignment Example Operating cash flows includes; sales revenue, cost of production, income before taxes, marginal tax rate, depreciation, increase in working capital. Terminal cash flow includes; decrease in working capital, salvage value, marginal income tax rate. Cost of capital evaluates the cost of borrowing to pay for the project. This value is set as the benchmark for the lowest possible return. Opportunity cost determines the cost for taking advantage of one option over another. Break-even point determines if the project would contribute to the growth of the company. Capital budgeting technique uses different formulas for analysis of financial values to determine if a company should proceed with the planned investment or not. These formulas contain various parameters, and they have specific concepts. These parameters are Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback method. Embedded concepts of these parameters helped me evaluating fully equipped facility cost. Capital budgeting technique requires calculating OCF. All three parameters; NPV, IRR, and Payback use OCF values. NPV evaluates present value of the future cash flows that the project generates during its life (ââ¬Å"What is NPVâ⬠). In simple language if the value of money generated during the project life is higher that the initial investment, the project makes money. IRR determines (Mohr) the cost of return at which all cash inflows (revenues) equals the present value of cash outflows (initial investment plus any other expenses). In other way, it is the cost of capital at which NPV is zero. Hence, if IRR is higher than the cost of capital, the project is making money. Payback period calculates the length of the time it will take to get back companyââ¬â¢s initial investment. In other words, this method defines how long would it take to get the investment money back. Theses three parameters tell me; (1) how long would it take to get the initial investment back, (2) how much money the
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